Emily Parker, Hereford

Emily Parker, Hereford

Emily Parker, Hereford | Jul 12. 2016

D3 and GcMAF Protocols were what I needed. I was constantly given some kind of medicine, but nobody told me that I have to start with these effective treatments in order to cure Multiple Sclerosis.  I have also realized that I need to free my repressed emotions in contact with the therapist and face the painful experiences from the past that led to my illness.  The disease can be cured only if you remove the real cause. I am much obliged to you at CanSAVE Center.

Zaščitna klauzala:

"Obveščamo vse člane, kakor tudi vse obiskovalce naše spletne strani, da v centru DOZ (Društva Objemi Zdravja) ne izvajamo prodajo zdravil, preparatov, prehranskih dodatkov, aparatur ali česarkoli. Prav tako ne reklamiramo niti promoviramo ničesar. Kakor tudi ne garatiramo za nič od zgoraj navedenega, kar kupite sami, ne glede ali ste informacijo dobili na vašo željo pri nas. Kljub temu, da vam želimo pomagati in vam vedno posredujemo željenje informacije z najoljšim namenom, za katere smatramo in verjamemo, da so najboljše, ne moremo dajati garancije, za nekaj kar ne proizvajamo niti prodajamo. Prosimo vas za razumevanje."
